2023 Garden Season

Now booking plots for the 2023 season. Email hintoncommunitygarden@gmail.com or fill out a plot rental request online.
Now booking plots for the 2023 season. Email hintoncommunitygarden@gmail.com or fill out a plot rental request online.
𝖲𝖯𝖱𝖨𝖭𝖦 𝖶𝖮𝖱𝖪 𝖡𝖤𝖤 The time has come to get the greenhouses ready for another great season of planting. Join us on May 13th from 11am-2pm for a fun afternoon of working with fellow gardeners to do minor repairs, move dirt, and prepare plots for 2023. Projects Needing Completed: Tools: If you are able to bring […]
Come down to the recreation centre in Hinton to visit the folks of Hinton Community Garden Society, learn about our organization and maybe register for a plot!
Given the current circumstances of COVID-19, we have decided to postpone our AGM. We believe this is in the best interest of the community and our members. We will notify everyone when we are hosting the next meeting. During this time, we will still available through email, so feel free to contact us. We will […]
Hey Hey Heylook at the dayit’s so yellow and crispthat you won’t want to missgiving back to the communityat our wonderful Fall Work Bee We are in need of helping hands to clean up the greenhouse prior to the winter! Date: Saturday, Oct 5thTime: 9:00am – 1:00pmLocation: The Greenhouse Some of the planned tasks include:-Replacing […]
Have you heard all the buzz about bee homes lately? Bee conservation is hot and heavy in the media, but it is important to know a thing or two about bee homes before you set one up in your backyard. Join us for an evening tutorial on how to build your own bumble bee box […]
Join us Tuesday July 2nd for a little summer work bee. We will be planting produce in the unoccupied plots as well as pulling pesky plants that are growing where they don’t belong. All produce that is grown in these plots will be donated. Date: July 2nd, 2019 Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Location: […]
Vermiposting is composting using worms! It is a similar procedure to regular composting as the same types of compost scraps (vegetables, fruits, paper products) are added to the bins; however, these worms eat the food which produces a wonderful compost. This compost can then be added to your garden for extra nutrients for plants! Join us to learn more!