Bumble Bee Box Tutorial

Have you heard all the buzz about bee homes lately?

Bee conservation is hot and heavy in the media, but it is important to know a thing or two about bee homes before you set one up in your backyard. Join us for an evening tutorial on how to build your own bumble bee box and engage in a conversation about the pros and cons of setting up your own bee home. It shall be Un-bee-leavable.

Stop bumbling around and come out to learn about the pollinators that practically run the world (like bee-yonce). Trust us, It will be worth leaving the hive for.

Date: Sunday, July 28th
Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Location: North Greenhouse
Organizer: Brittany Taylor, BIT, Bsc Biology (VP of HCGS)

**Note: Bee boxes made for this event will be used at the greenhouse for next spring. This is simply a tutorial that will show you how to make a box of your own at home.